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The off was delayed twice

  • 1 ♦ off

    ♦ off (1) /ɒf/
    1 via; lontano; distante; a distanza; alla larga: They went off in a hurry, sono andati via in fretta; DIALOGO → - Discussing bets- Where are you off to?, dove te ne vai?; DIALOGO → - Going on holiday 1- I'm off on holiday tomorrow, domani parto per le vacanze; The road is two miles off, la strada è lontana due miglia (o è a due miglia di distanza); Keep off!, sta' alla larga!
    2 (in loc. col verbo to be, è idiom.; per es.:) to be well [badly] off, essere in buone [cattive] condizioni finanziarie; The lid was off, il coperchio era venuto via (o era stato tolto); They're off, sono partiti; se ne sono andati; I must be off, devo andarmene; Their engagement is off, il fidanzamento è rotto; The deal is off, l'affare è sfumato; The trip is off, la gita non si fa più; The gas is off, il gas è spento; ( anche) hanno tolto il gas; The hot water is off, manca l'acqua calda; The meeting is off, la riunione è sospesa; The staff is off today, il personale fa vacanza oggi; (elettr.) The switch is off, l'interruttore è disinserito; The electricity is off, hanno tolto la corrente; (autom., mecc.) The clutch is off, la frizione è disinnestata
    3 del tutto; per intero: to pay off a debt, pagare per intero (o saldare) un debito
    4 (nei verbi frasali, è idiom.; per es.:) to come off, staccarsi, ecc.; to cut off, tagliare, staccare, ecc. (► to come, to cut, ecc.)
    5 di sconto: I managed to get 50 dollars off, riuscii ad avere uno sconto di (fam.: a tirare giù) 50 dollari
    6 ( Borsa, fin.) ( di titoli) in ribasso; giù, sotto (fam.): Oils are off ten points today, oggi le azioni petrolifere sono sotto di dieci punti
    7 (teatr.) dietro le quinte; fuori campo: «voices off» ( didascalia); «voci fuori campo»
    far off, lontano, lungi: Christmas is not far off, il Natale non è lontano □ from far off, da lungi, di lontano □ to finish off a piece of work, finire (o portare a termine) un lavoro □ to get off to a good start, partire con il piede giusto (fig.) □ on and off (o off and on), a intervalli; in modo intermittente: It has been snowing on and off since yesterday, nevica a intervalli da ieri □ Off with you!, va' via!; vattene!; fuori dai piedi! □ My holidays are only two weeks off, mancano solo due settimane alle mie vacanze □ Let's take a day off, prendiamoci un giorno di vacanza □ DIALOGO → - Absence 1- I need some time off work, ho bisogno di prendermi un periodo di vacanza □ DIALOGO → - Asking about the family- She's still off work, non ha ancora ripreso a lavorare □ right off (o straight off), subito; immediatamente □ Off we go!, si parte! □ Off with his head!, tagliategli la testa! □ Hands off!, giù le mani! □ Hats off!, giù il cappello! □ How are you off for clean shirts?, come sei messo (o come stai) a camicie pulite?
    ♦ off (2) /ɒf/
    1 da; lontano da; fuori di; giù da: I stepped off the bus, scesi dall'autobus; Get off my feet!, scendimi dai piedi!; non starmi sui piedi!; to get off one's horse, smontare da cavallo; The cover has come off my book, mi s'è staccata la copertina dal libro; The cottage stands off the main road, la villetta è lontana dalla strada maestra; The car is off the road, l'automobile è fuori (o è uscita di) strada
    2 (naut.) all'altezza di; al largo di; a poca distanza da: The ship was off the island, la nave era al largo dell'isola; The lighthouse is just off the coast, il faro è a poca distanza dalla costa
    3 in meno di; con lo sconto di; He gave me five per cent off the list price, mi ha tolto il cinque per cento dal prezzo di listino
    4 di; per mezzo di; con: He lived off the fat of the land, viveva delle abbondanti risorse della terra; aveva ogni ben di Dio; to dine off a leg of mutton, pranzare con una coscia di castrato; to eat off silver plate, mangiare usando piatti d'argento
    5 fuori: The ship was driven off her course, la nave è stata spinta fuori rotta; to be off duty, essere fuori servizio
    6 ( anche sport) a carico di; ai danni di
    7 ( sport) con un handicap di: He plays off ten, gioca con un handicap di dieci punti
    ● ( radio, TV) off the air, non in onda (avv.) □ ( sport) off the ball, che non ha la palla, che non è sulla palla: He was fouled off the ball, ha subito il fallo mentre non era in possesso della palla □ ( baseball: del ‘corridore’) to be off base, non essere in base; essere fuori base □ off the beaten track, ( di un luogo) isolato, fuori mano; (fig.) insolito, fuori dell'ordinario, straordinario, originale □ (mecc.) to be off centre, essere fuori centro □ to be off colour, essere del colore sbagliato; ( di persona) essere indisposto, stare poco bene; essere in giornata nera; ( USA, di barzelletta, battuta ecc.) essere un po' indecente, spinto (fig.) □ ( sport) to be off the field (o the pitch), essere fuori campo; non giocare; fare panchina □ ( sport) to be off one's game, giocare peggio del solito □ ( sport e fig.) to be off guard, non stare in guardia; scoprirsi □ to be off one's head, essere andato giù di testa; essere ammattito □ (mil. e fig.) off limits, in zona proibita; ( cartello) ‘zona invalicabile’ □ (fig. fam.) off the map, inesistente; passato; svanito □ (fig.) off the point, non pertinente; che non c'entra; a sproposito □ ( calcio, ecc.) Off the post!, palo! □ off the record, ufficiosamente; in confidenza □ (tur.) off season, fuori stagione □ (geol.) off shore, fuori costa; in ambiente neritico □ to be off target, mancare il bersaglio; ( calcio, ecc.) non andare a segno: His header was off target, il suo colpo di testa è andato a vuoto □ to be off the track, essere fuori strada ( anche fig.); ( sport) essere uscito di pista; (fig.) essere sulla pista sbagliata □ an alley off Main Street, una viuzza che si diparte dal Corso □ to get off the subject, uscire dal seminato (fig.); divagare □ to speak off the record, parlare ufficiosamente ( non in veste ufficiale).
    off (3) /ɒf/
    1 lontano; remoto; altro: the off side of the medal, l'altro lato della medaglia
    2 laterale; secondario; di secondaria importanza: in an off street, in una strada laterale; in una via secondaria
    3 (spec. ingl.) destro; di destra (cfr. near /2/, def. 2): the off side of the road, il lato destro della strada; the off horse, il cavallo di destra ( d'una pariglia)
    4 piccolo; esiguo; scarso; cattivo; deludente; vago: Profits are off this year, i guadagni sono esigui quest'anno; His performance was rather off, la sua recitazione è stata alquanto deludente; There's only an off chance of your being right, c'è solo una vaga possibilità che tu abbia ragione
    5 ( di cibo) non fresco; passato; guasto: This fish is a bit off, questo pesce non è proprio fresco; DIALOGO → - Complaining about the food- This meat smells off to me, dall'odore direi che questa carne è andata a male
    6 ( di pietanza o piatto) finito; esaurito: ( al ristorante) ‘Sorry, chicken is off’, ‘mi dipiace, ma il pollo è finito’
    7 ( di persona) scortese; sgarbato; scostante
    8 (elettr.) disinserito; staccato; spento: The ( electric) iron is off, il ferro (da stiro) è staccato
    9 (mecc.) disinserito; disinnestato
    10 (market., tur.) di stasi; morto: in the off season, nella stagione morta
    an off day, un giorno libero (o di vacanza); (fam.) una giornata nera, una giornata no: She has off and on days according to her mood, ella ha giornate sì e giornate no, secondo l'umore □ (elettr.) the off switch, l'interruttore per spegnere (per scollegare, ecc.) □ off year, (agric.) anno in cui le piante non danno frutto; anno no (fam.); (polit., USA) anno in cui si tengono elezioni ma non le presidenziali □ on the off chance that…, nel caso improbabile che…; caso mai…: on the off chance he should come, caso mai venisse
    FALSI AMICI: off non significa off nel senso italiano di alternativo. off (4) /ɒf/
    nei composti: ( radio, TV) off-air, (agg.) relativo alle trasmissioni; per (o dei) programmi; (avv.) quando non è in onda: Sheila is totally different off-air, Sheila è totalmente diversa quando non è in onda; ( USA) off-air reporter, cronista che lavora per la televisione, senza apparire sullo schermo; off-balance, sbilanciato; che ha perso l'equilibrio; (avv.) alla sprovvista; (fin.) off-balance sheet, fuori bilancio ( di finanziamenti, operazioni, ecc.); ( Borsa, USA) off-board, fuori borsa; off-board market, mercato terziario (o ristretto); mercatino (fam.); off-board securities, titoli non quotati (in Borsa); (econ.) off-the-books work, lavoro nero; (teatr., USA: di uno spettacolo) off-Broadway, ‘off-Broadway’, sperimentale; non commerciale ( e che costa poco); (fotogr., TV) off-camera, non inquadrato; non ripreso; off-centre, (mecc.) fuori centro, scentrato; (elettron.) eccentrico; off-colour, indisposto, malaticcio; ( USA, di barzelletta, battuta ecc.) un po' indecente, spinto (fig.); (fin.) off-cover, fuori copertura; senza garanzia; (fam.) off-the-cuff, improvvisato; ( di un discorso) fatto a braccio: to give an off-the-cuff speech, parlare a braccio; (ling.) off-glide, metastasi; an off-guard moment, un momento in cui non si sta in guardia; off-hand offhand; (mus. e fig.) off-key, stonato; non intonato; (farm., med.) off-label, off-label (detto di farmaco che viene assunto in circostanze non previste o non consigliate dal produttore); off-licence, (agg.) ( di negozio) autorizzato a vendere alcolici soltanto in confezioni da asporto; (sost., ingl.) negozio di vini, birra e liquori; bottiglieria; ( anche) banco di vendita ( di pub o albergo) di alcolici da consumare altrove; off-licensee, chi è in possesso di una ► «off-licence» ( sopra); off-limits, (mil.) in cui è proibito entrare; (fig.) proibito, vietato; off-line offline; (fin.) off-market, fuori mercato: off-market deals, operazioni fuori mercato; (spec. polit.) off-message, non allineato ( con la politica del proprio partito); (spec. farm.) off-patent, a brevetto scaduto; fuori brevetto: off-patent drugs, farmaci a brevetto scaduto; off-peak, ( di energia elettrica, gas, ecc.) erogato in ore di basso consumo; (trasp.: del traffico) non di punta, normale; (tur.) di (o in) bassa stagione: (ferr., ecc.) off-peak service, servizio normale; off-peak rate (o tariff) tariffa ordinaria ( di un trasporto o servizio); off-the-peg, ( d'abito) bell'e fatto, confezionato, di serie; (fig.) preconfezionato, standard; ( sport: sci) off-piste, fuori pista; ( di un immobile) ( bought) off plan, (acquistato) sulla carta; (market.) off-price, vendita a prezzo scontato; (tipogr.) off-print, estratto ( di giornale, ecc.); (fam.) off-putting, scostante; fastidioso; sgradevole; (fam. USA) off-the-rack = off-the-peg ► sopra; ( di notizia, ecc.) off-the-record, da non verbalizzare; non ufficiale; ufficioso; (trasp.) off-road vehicle, fuoristrada ( l'automezzo); off-roader, fuoristrada ( il mezzo); ( anche) fuoristradista; ( sport) off-roading, il fuoristrada ( l'attività, le gare); (market., ingl.) off-sale, vendita di alcolici da asporto ( detti off-sales); (cinem., TV) off-screen, che non compare sullo schermo; fuori campo; (market., tur.) off-season, stagione morta, bassa stagione; (agg.) della bassa stagione: off-season prices, prezzi della bassa stagione; (market.: di un articolo) off-the shelf, fatto in serie, standard; off-the-shoulder blouse, camicetta in stile gitano ( che lascia le spalle nude); ( cricket) off side off (5), def. 2; off-stage offstage; (autom.) off-street parking, parcheggio su terreno privato ( non su strada); (ipp.) off-track betting, scommesse sui cavalli (da corsa) che avvengono fuori dei locali dell'ippodromo ( con allibratori privati); ( ciclismo, ecc.) off-track race, corsa fuoristrada; ( sport) off-track race rider, fuoristradista; (comm.) off-trade, vendita di alcolici da asporto; ( slang) off-the-wall, assurdo, bizzarro, stravagante, pazzesco; off-white, bianco avorio, bianco isabella, biancosporco; (polit., USA) off-year election, elezioni politiche che si tengono in un anno in cui non si svolgono le presidenziali.
    off (5) /ɒf/
    1 (fam., spec. sport) via; partenza; inizio ( di una corsa, ecc.): The off was delayed twice, il via è stato rinviato due volte
    from the off, dall'inizio; dal principio □ (fig.) I've had my offs and ons, ho avuto i miei alti e bassi.
    off (6) /ɒf/
    (to) off /ɒf/
    A v. t.
    1 (fam.) annullare, disdire ( un impegno, ecc.)
    3 ( slang USA) fare fuori (fam.); uccidere
    4 (volg. USA) farsi ( una donna, ecc.); scopare (volg.)
    B v. i.
    2 ( slang USA) crepare; morire.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ off

  • 2 DRAGA

    * * *
    (dreg; dró, drógum; dreginn), v.
    1) to draw, drag, pull;
    draga heim viðinn, to drag the logs home;
    draga árar, to pull the oars;
    absol., drógu þeir skjótt eptir, they soon pulled up to them;
    draga boga, to draw the bow;
    draga segl, to hoist sails (= draga upp segl);
    draga fisk, to catch, pull up fish with a line;
    draga kvernstein, to turn the millstone, to grind;
    2) to draw, inhale (draga úþefjan með nösum);
    draga nasir af e-u, to smell a thing;
    draga öndina, to breathe, live;
    3) to procure, earn, gain (þegar hann hafði fé dregit sem hann vildi);
    draga e-m e-t, to procure (or get) one a thing (eigi sögðust þeir vita, at hann drœgi Haraldi ríki);
    4) to employ as a measure (draga kvarða við viðmál);
    5) to prolong protract (dvalir þessar drógu tímann);
    6) to delay, put off, defer;
    vil ek þessi svör ekki láta draga fyrir mér lengi, I will not wait long for these answers;
    hann dró um þat engan hlut, he made no subterfuge;
    7) to delineate, draw a picture (var dregit á skjöldinn leo með gulli);
    í þann tíma sem hann dregr klæðaföllin (the folds);
    8) to trim or line garments (treyjan var dregin útan ok innan við rauða silki);
    with dat., hjálmr hans var dreginn leiri (overlaid with clay), er áðr var (dreginn) gulli;
    9) intrans to move, draw;
    drógu þeir þeim svá nær (came so near to them), at;
    10) with preps.:
    draga föt, skóklædi af e-m, to pull off one’s clothes, shoes;
    draga hring af hendi sér, to take off a ring from one’s hand;
    dró hann þá grunninu, he pulled them off the shallow;
    draga e-t af e-u, to draw, derive from a source;
    draga e-t af, to take off (Þ. hafði látit af draga brúna);
    draga e-t af við e-n, to keep back, withhold, from one;
    man héðan af eigi af dregit við oss, henceforth we shall no be neglected, stinted;
    Egill dró at sér skipit, E. pulled the ship close up to himself;
    draga vél at e-m, to draw wiles around one;
    draga spott, skaup, at e-u, to hold a thing up to ridicule;
    draga at lið, föng, to collect troops, stores;
    dró at honum sóttin, the illness drew closer to him, he grew worse;
    impers., dró at mætti hans, dró at um matt hans, his strength declined (fell off);
    til þess er dró at degi, till the day drew near;
    þá er dregr at jólum, when Yule drew near;
    dró at því (the time drew near). at hann væri banvænn;
    tók þá at draga fast at heyjum hans, his stock of hay was rapidly diminishing;
    svá dregr at mér af elli, svengd, þorsta, I am so overcome by old age, hunger, thirst;
    nú þykki mér sem fast dragi at þér, that thou art sinking fast;
    draga hring á hönd sér, to put a ring on one’s hand;
    draga (grun) á e-t, to suspect;
    draga á vetr, to rear through the winter (Hrafnkell dró á vetr kálf ok kið);
    impers., dregr á tunglit, the moon is obscured (= dregr myrkr á tunglit);
    dimmu þykkir draga á ráðit Odds, it looks as if a cloud was drawing over Odds’ affairs;
    dregr á gleði biskups, the bishop’s gladness was obscured;
    draga eptir e-m, to gain on one (Þórarinn sótti ákaft róðrinn ok hans menn, ok drógu skjótt eptir þeim Steinólfi ok Kjallaki);
    draga eptir e-m um e-t, to approach one, to be nearly equal to one, in a thing;
    um margar íþróttir (in many accomplishments) dró hann fast eptir Ólafi konungi;
    draga e-t fram, to produce, bring forward (draga fram athugasamlig dœmi); to further, promote (draga fram hlut e-s);
    draga fram kaupeyri sinn, to make money;
    draga fram skip, to launch a ship;
    impers., dregr frá, (cloud darkness) is drawn off;
    hratt stundum fyrir, en stundum dró frá, (clouds) drew sometimes over, sometimes off;
    dregr fyrir sól, tungl, the sun, moon is obscured by clouds or eclipse (tunglskin var ljóst, en stundum dró fyrir);
    ok er í tók at draga skúrirnar, when showers began to gather;
    draga e-ð saman, to collect, gather (draga lið, her, skip saman);
    impers., saman dró kaupmála með þeim, they struck a bargain;
    saman dró hugi þeirra, their hearts were drawn together;
    dregr þá saman or dregr saman með þeim, the distance between them grows less;
    draga e-t í sundr, to draw asunder, disjoin (vil ek eigi draga í sundr sættir yðrar);
    impers., dregr þá í sundr or dregr í sundr með þeim, the distance between them increases;
    draga e-n til e-s, to move, prompt, induce;
    engi ofkæti dregr mik til þessarar ferðar, it is not from wantonness that I undertake this journey;
    slíkt dregr hann til vinsældar, this furthers his popularity;
    ef hann drógi ekki til, if he was not concerned;
    draga e-t til dœmis um e-t, to adduce as a proof of;
    hann hét at draga allt til sætta (to do everything in his power for reconciliation) með þeim Skota konungi;
    impers., nema til verra dragi, unless matters turn out for the worse;
    with dat., þat samband þeirra, er þeim dregr báðum til bana, which will prove fatal to both of them;
    at hér mundi til mikillar úgiptu draga um kaup þessi, that much mischief would arise from this bargain;
    dró þá enn til sundrþykkju með þeim Svíum, the old feud with the Swedes began all over again;
    svá er þat, segir R., ef ekki dregr til, unless some unforesceen thing happens;
    draga e-t undan e-m, to seek to deprive one of a thing (þeir hafa bundizt í því at draga bœndr undan þér);
    draga e-t undan, to delay (drógu Skotar undan sættina);
    hví dregr þú undan at bjóða mér til þín? why dost thou put off inviting me to come?;
    draga rót undan (tölu), to extract the root;
    draga undan e-m, to escape from one (nú lægir seglin þeirra ok draga þeir undan oss);
    impers., hann (acc.) dró undan sem nauðuligast, he had a narrow escape;
    draga e-t undir sik, to apropriate or take fraudulently to oneself (hafði dregit undir sik finnskattinn);
    impers., dró yðr (acc.) undir hrakningina, en oss (acc.) undan, you came in for hard uasge but we escaped;
    draga upp skip, to drag a ship ashore;
    draga upp segl, to hoist a sail (sails);
    impers., þoku dregr upp, fog is coming on;
    11) refl., dragast.
    f. only in pl. ‘drögur’,
    2) metric term, repetition, anadiplosis (when a stanza begins with the last word of the preceding one).
    * * *
    pret. dró, pl. drógu; part. dreginn; pres. dreg: pret. subj. drægi: [Lat. trahere; Ulf. dragan, but only once or twice, = επισωρεύειν in 2 Tim. iv. 3; Hel. dragan = portare, ferre (freq.); A. S. dragan; Germ. tragen; the Engl. distinguishes between to drag and draw, whence the derived words to draggle, trail, drawl; Swed. draga; the Danes have drage, but nearly obliterated except in the special sense to travel,—otherwise they have trække, formed from the mod. Germ. tragen]:—to draw, drag, carry, pull.
    A. ACT., with acc.
    I. to drag, carry, pull; hann dró þau öll út, Nj. 131; djöfla þá er yðr munu d. til eilífra kvala, 273; d. heim við, to drag the logs home, 53; d. sauði, to pick sheep out of a fold, Bs. i. 646, Eb. 106; d. skip fram, to launch a ship; d. upp, to draw her up, drag her ashore, Grág. ii. 433; dró Þorgils eptir sér fiskinn, Fs. 129; Egill dró at sér skipit, E. pulled the ship close up to himself, Eg. 221, 306; dró hann þá af grunninu, Fms. vii. 264; hann hafði dregit ( pulled) hött síðan yfir hjálm, Eg. 375, cp. Ad. 3; d. föt, skóklæði af e-m, to draw off clothes, shoes; þá var dregin af ( stripped off) hosa líkinu, Fms. viii. 265; dró hann hana á hönd ser, he pulled it on his hand, Eg. 378; d. hring á hönd sér, to put a ring on one’s hand, 306; (hann) tók gullhring, ok dró ( pulled) á blóðrefilinn, id.: phrases, er við ramman reip at d., ’tis to pull a rope against the strong man, i. e. to cope with the mighty, Fms. ii. 107, Nj. 10,—the metaphor from a game; d. árar, to pull the oars, Fms. ii. 180, Grett. 125 A: absol. to pull, ok drógu skjótt eptir, they soon pulled up to them, Gullþ. 24, Krók. 52: metaph., um margar íþróttir dró hann fast eptir Ólafi, in many accomplishments he pressed hard upon Olave, Fms. iii. 17: d. boga, to draw the bow, x. 362, but more freq. benda ( bend) boga: d., or d. upp segl, to hoist the sails, Eg. 93, Fms. ix. 21, x. 349, Orkn. 260: d. fiska, or simply draga (Luke v. 7), to fish with a hook, to pull up fish with a line (hence fisk-dráttr, dráttr, fishing), Fms. iv. 89, Hým. 21, 23, Fs. 129, Landn. 36, Fas. ii. 31: d. drátt, Luke v. 4; d. net, to fish with a drag-net; also absol., draga á (on or in) á ( a river), to drag a river; hence the metaphor, d. langa nót at e-u, = Lat. longae ambages, Nj. 139: d. steina, to grind in a hand-mill, Sl. 58, Gs. 15: d. bust ór nefi e-m, vide bust: d. anda, to draw breath; d. öndina um barkann, id., (andar-dráttr, drawing breath); d. tönn, to draw a tooth.
    2. phrases mostly metaph.; d. seim, prop. to draw wire, metaph. to read or talk with a drawling tone; d. nasir af e-u, to smell a thing, Ísl. ii. 136; d. dám af e-u, to draw flavour from; draga dæmi af e-u, or d. e-t til dæmis, to draw an example from a thing, Stj. 13, cp. Nj. 65; d. þýðu eðr samræði til e-s, to draw towards, feel sympathy for, Sks. 358; d. grun á e-t, to suspect, Sturl.; d. spott, skaup, gys, etc. at e-u, to hold a thing up to ridicule, Bs. i. 647; d. á sik dul ok dramb, to assume the air of…, 655 xi. 3; d. á sik ofbeldi ok dramb, Fms. vii. 20; d. e-n á talar, to deceive one, metaphor from leading into a trap, 2 Cor. xii. 17; d. vél at e-m, to deceive one, draw a person into wiles, Nj. 280, Skv. i. 33; d. á vetr, to get one’s sheep and cattle through the winter; Hrafnkell dró á vetr kálf ok kið hin firstu misseri, Hrafn. 22, cp. Germ. anbinden, and in mod. Icel. usage setja á vetr; d. nafn af e-m, to draw, derive the name from, Eb. 126 (App.) new Ed.; the phrase, (hann skyldi ekki) fleiri ár yfir höfuð d., more years should not pass over his head, he must die, Þórð.
    II. to draw a picture; kross let hann d. í enni á öllum hjálmum með bleiku, Fms. iv. 96; þá dró Tjörvi líkneski þeirra á kamarsvegg, Landn. 247; var dregit á skjöldinn leo með gulli, Ld. 78, Pr. 428; í þann tíma sem hann dregr ( draws) klæða-föllin (the folds), Mar. (Fr.): d. til stafs (mod.), to draw the letters, of children first trying to write; d. fjöðr yfir e-t, a metaph. phrase, to draw a pen over or through, to hide, cloak a thing: gramm. to mark a vowel with a stroke,—a long vowel opp. to a short one is thus called ‘dreginn;’ hljóðstafir hafa tvenna grein, at þeir sé styttir ( short) eða dregnir (drawn, marked with a stroke), ok er því betr dregit yfir þann staf er seint skal at kveða, e. g. ári Ari, ér er-, mínu minni, Skálda 171: to measure, in the phrases, draga kvarða við vaðmál, Grág. i. 497, 498; draga lérept, N. G. L. i. 323.
    III. to line clothes, etc.; treyja var dregin utan ok innan við rauðu silki, Flov. 19.
    IV. metaph. to delay; dró hann svá sitt mál, at…, Sturl. iii. 13; hann dró um þat engan hlut, he made no subterfuge, Hkr. ii. 157; Halldórr dró þá heldr fyrir þeim, H. then delayed the time, Ld. 322; vil ek ekki lengr d. þetta fyrir þér, 284; vil ek þessi svör eigi láta d. fyrir mér lengr, Eb. 130.
    V. with prepp. af, at, á, fram, frá, saman, sundr, etc., answering to the Lat. attrahere, abstrahere, protrahere, detrahere, distrahere, contrahere, etc.; d. at lið, to collect troops; d. saman her, id., Eg. 172, 269, Nj. 127; d. at föng, to collect stores, 208, 259: metaph., þá dró at honum sóttin, the sickness drew nearer to him, he grew worse, Grett. 119; d. af e-m, to take off, to disparage a person, Fms. vi. 287; d. af við e-n, ok mun héðan af ekki af dregit við oss, we shall not be neglected, stinted, Bjarn. 54: mathem. term, to subtract, Rb. 118: d. fram, to bring forward, promote; d. fram þræla, Fms. x. 421, ix. 254, Eg. 354; skil ek þat, at þat man mína kosti hér fram d. (it will be my greatest help here), at þú átt ekki vald á mér; d. fram kaupeyri, to make money, Fms. vi. 8; d. saman, to draw together, collect, join, Bs. ii. 18, Nj. 65, 76; d. sundr, to draw asunder, disjoin; d. e-t á, to intimate, (á-dráttr) drag eigi á þat, Sturl. iii. 110; d. undan, to escape; kómu segli við ok drógu undan, Fms. iv. 201; nú lægir segl þeirra ok d. þeir nú undan oss, v. 11: metaph. to delay, Uspakr dró þó undan allt til nætr, Nj. 272; hirðin sá þetta at svá mjök var undan dregit, Fms. ix. 251 (undan-dráttr, delay); hví dregr þú undan at bjóða mér til þín, Glúm. 326, Fms. ix. 251, Pass. 16. 13: mathem., d. rót undan, to extract a root, Alg. 366; d. upp, to draw a picture (upp-dráttr, a drawing), to pull up, Edda I; to pull out of the snow, Eg. 546; d. út, to extract, draw out, 655 xxxii. 2; d. undir sik, to draw under oneself, to embezzle, Eg. 61, Fms. vii. 128; d. upp akkeri, to weigh anchor, Jb. 403; d. upp segl, to hoist sail, vide above; ljós brann í stofunni ok var dregit upp, Sturl. i. 142; þar brann ljós ok var dregit upp, en myrkt hit neðra, ii. 230; ok er mönnum var í sæti skipat vóru log upp dregin í stofunni, iii. 182; herbergis sveinarnir drógu upp skriðljósin, Fas. iii. 530, cp. Gísl. 29, 113,—in the old halls the lamps (torches) were hoisted up and down, in order to make the light fainter or stronger; d. e-n til e-s, to draw one towards a thing; mikit dregr mik til þess, Fs. 9; engi ofkæti dregr mik til þessarar ferðar, i. e. it is not by my own choice that I undertake this journey, Fms. ix. 352; slíkt dró hann til vinsældar, this furthered him in popularity, vii. 175, Sks. 443 B; mun hann slíkt til d., it will move, influence him, Nj. 210; ef hann drægi ekki til, if he was not concerned, 224.
    2. draga til is used absol. or ellipt., denoting the course of fate, and many of the following phrases are almost impers.; nema til verra dragi, unless matters turn out worse, Nj. 175; búð, dragi til þess sem vera vill, Lat. fata evenient, 185; ef honum vill þetta til dauða d., if this draw to his death, prove fatal to him, 103, Grett. 114; þat samband þeirra er þeim dregr báðum til bana, which will be fatal to both of them, Nj. 135; enda varð þat fram at koma sem til dró, Ísl. ii. 263; sagði Kveldúlfr at þá ( then) mundi þar til draga sem honum hafði fyrir boðat, Eg. 75; dró til vanda með þeim Rúti ok Unni, it was the old story over again, Nj. 12; dró til vanda um tal þeirra, 129; at hér mundi til mikillar úgiptu draga um kaup þessi, that mickle mischief would arise from this bargain, 30; dró þá enn til sundrþykkju með þeim Svíum, the old feud with the Swedes began over again, Fms. x. 161; ok er úvíst til hvers um dregr, Fs. 6; svá er þat, segir Runólfr, ef ekki dregr til, unless some unforeseen things happen, Nj. 75; hón kvað eigi úlíkligt at til mikils drægi um, Ísl. ii. 19; þá dró nú til hvárttveggja. Bret.; hence til-drög. n. pl. cause.
    B. IMPERS.
    1. of clouds, shade, darkness, to be drawn before a thing as a veil; dimmu (acc.) þykir á draga ráðit Odds, it looked as if gloom were drawing over Odd’s affairs, Band. 10; ok er í tók at draga skúrirnar (acc.), it began to draw into showers, i. e. clouds began to gather, Fms. iii. 206: often ellipt., hratt stundum fyrir en stundum dró frá, [ clouds] drew sometimes over, sometimes off, of the moon wading through them, Grett. 114; dregr fyrir sól, [ a veil] draws over the sun, he is hid in clouds; ský vónarleysu döpur drjúgum dró fyrir mína gleði-sól, Bb. 2. 9; dregr á gleði biskups, [ clouds] drew over the bishop’s gladness, it was eclipsed, Bs. ii. 79; eclipsis heitir er fyrir dregr sól eðr tungl, it is called an eclipse when [ a veil] draws over the sun or moon, 1812. 4; tunglskin var ljóst, en stundum dró fyrir, the moonshine was clear, and in turn [ a veil] drew over it, Nj. 118; þá sá lítið af tungli ljóst ok dró ymist til eðr frá, Ísl. ii. 463; þat gerðisk, at á dregr tunglit, ok verðr eclipsis, Al. 54.
    2. in various connections; dró yðr (acc.) undir hrakningina, en oss (acc.) undan, you were drawn into a thrashing (i. e. got one), but we escaped, Nj. 141; hann (acc.) dró undan sem nauðuligast, he had a narrow escape, Fms. ix. 392: absol., a noun or personal pronoun in acc. being understood, lítt dró enn undan við þik, there was little power of drawing out of thy reach, i. e. thy blow did its work right well. Nj. 199, 155; hvárki dró sundr né saman með þeim, of two running a dead heat: metaph. phrases, mun annarsstaðar meira slóða (acc.) draga, there will be elsewhere a greater trial left, i. e. the consequences will be still worse elsewhere, 54; saman dró hugi þeirra, their hearts were drawn together, of a loving pair, Bárð. 271; saman dró kaupmála með þeim, they struck a bargain, literally the bargain was drawn tight, Nj. 49; hann hreinsar þat skjótt þóat nokkut im (acc.) hafi á oss dregit af samneyti ( although we have been a little infected by the contact with) annarlegs siðferðis, Fms. ii. 261; allt slafr (acc.) dró af Hafri, i. e. H. became quite mute, Grett. (in a verse): in a temp. sense, til þess er dró at degi, till the day drew nigh, Fms. x. 138; þá er dró at miðri nótt, Grett. 140; þá er dregr at Jólum, Yule drew nigh, Fbr. 138; dregr at hjaldri, the battle-hour draws nigh, Fms. vi. (in a verse); dró at því (the time drew nigh), at hann var banvænn, Eg. 126: of sickness, hunger, or the like, to sink, be overcome by, svá dregr at mér af elli, svengd ok þorsta, at…, Fms. iii. 96; nú þykki mér sem fast dragi at þér, thou art sinking fast, Fas. ii. 221; ok er lokið var kvæðinu dregr at Oddi fast, O. was sinking fast, 321: of other things, tók þá at d. fast at heyjum hans, his stock was very low, Fms. iii. 208; þoku dregr upp, a fog draws on, rises, 97 (in a verse), but ok taki sú poka (nom.) fyrir at d. norðrljósit, Sks. an (better þá þoku, acc.)
    C. REFLEX, to draw oneself, move; ef menn dragask til föruneytis þeirra ( join them) úbeðit, Grág. ii. 270; Sigvaldi dregsk út frá flotanum, S. draws away from the fleet, Fms. xi. 140; ofmjök dragask lendir menn fram, i. e. the barons drew far too forward, vii. 22; hyski drósk á flótta, they drew away to flight, Fms. vi. (in a verse); skeiðr drógusk at vígi, the ships drew on to battle, iii. 4 (in a verse); dragask undir = draga undir sik, to take a thing to oneself, Grág. ii. 150; dragask á hendr e-m, drógusk opt þeir menn á hendr honum er úskilamenn voru, Sturl. i. 136; dragask e-n á hendr, hann kvað þess enga ván, at hann drægisk þá á hendr, ii. 120; dragask aptr á leið, to remain behind, Rb. 108; dragask út, to recede, of the tide, 438; dragask saman, to draw back, draw together, be collected, Fms. i. 25, Bs. i. 134; e-m dragask penningar, Fms. vi. 9; d. undan, to be delayed, x. 251; the phrase, herr, lið dregsk e-m, the troops draw together, of a levy, i. 94, vii. 176, Eg. 277; dragask á legg, to grow up, Hkr. iii. 108; sem aldr hans ok vitsmunir drógusk fram, increased, Fms. vi. 7; þegar honum drósk aldr, when he grew up, Fs. 9; dragask á legg, to grow into a man; dragask við e-t, to become discouraged, Fms. viii. 65; d. vel, illa, to do well, ill, Fs. 146: to be worn out, exhausted, drósk þá liðit mjök af kulda, Sturl. iii. 20; drósk hestr hans, ii. 75: part. dreginn, drawn, pinched, starved, hestar mjök dregnir, Fms. ix. 276; görðisk fénaðr dreginn mjök, drawn, thin, iii. 208; stóð þar í heykleggi einn ok dregit at öllu megin, a tapering hayrick, Háv. 53: of sickness, Herra Andrés lagðisk sjúkr, ok er hann var dreginn mjök, Fms. ix. 276.
    β. recipr., þau drógusk um einn gullhring, they fought, pulled. Fas. iii. 387. From the reflex. probably originates, by dropping the reflex. suffix, the mod. Swed. and Dan. at draga = to go, esp. of troops or a body of men; in old writers the active form hardly ever occurs in this sense (the reading drógu in the verse Fms. iii. 4 is no doubt false); and in mod. usage it is equally unknown in Icel., except maybe in allit. phrases as, e. g. út á djúpið hann Oddr dró, Snot 229 new Ed.; to Icel. ears draga in this sense sounds strange; even the reflex. form is seldom used in a dignified sense; vide the references above.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DRAGA

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